My Best Honest Review of Mission Viejo, Psychologist, Dr. Deborah Kirschbaum
My Best Honest Review of Mission Viejo, Psychologist,
Dr. Deborah Kirschbaum
My latest life issue required me to seek the help of a professional Psychotherapist.
I needed a professional to help navigate, guide and interpret my anxiety, frustration and sense of well-being. Psychologist, Deborah Kirschbaum, Ph.D. was the perfect fit for my needs.
Dr. Kirschbaum helped me understand why I become withdrawn, discounted my self-worth and minimized my skills.
After several sessions with Dr. Kirschbaum, I experienced that, “Magic Light Bulb Moment” and I was able to better understand my actions or lack of reactions.
Self-awareness, self-improvement can be difficult for people to implement. I know it was difficult for me to understand how everyone perceives events differently. Dr. Kirschbaum has given me the tools to help unlock my attitude and behavior during some of the life’s serious bumps.
Thank You, Dr. Deborah Kirschaum.
I have included Dr. Deborah Kirschaum’s contact information:
Advanced Behavioral Care, Inc.
27001 La Paz Road,
Suite 418 Mission Viejo,
CA 92691
Phone: 949-215-5400
I have decided to post a couple of inspirational quotes that may help you throughout your day:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. – #BenjaminFranklin
A broken crayon still colors.
If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.- #ZigZiglar
Fall down seven times stand up eight. – #JapaneseProverb
Smiling is contagious 🙂 I hope I just make you smile 🙂
Dr. Deborah Kirchbaum is also on my Yelp Reviews 🙂