We Try To Prevent A Fire In Our Redlands Farmhouse Remodel
Eco Alliance of Upland, California
Our marriage to Deon Holloway of Eco Alliance Upland is in full swing, the honeymoon stage is a short distance memory, and day to day life is our new reality.
Deon Holloway, our once superstar, loses some of his shine as a nasty case of the flu hits him and puts him out of commission. As Deon's health turns to an upswing, he is off to an extensive business stay out of town; then, Deon Holloway hops on an airplane to Mexico.
Unfortunately, Eco Alliance's captain, Deon Holloway, needs to be near our property to watch his crew. It is our home's foreman first- time hire for Eco Alliance of Upland.
The Eco Alliance foreman may be talented, but we find his disrespect for our wishes alarming, and his demeanor turns to uncivil.
At the start of October, we notice Eco Alliance's foreman places a smoker under two of our front yard avocado trees.
My husband and I repeatedly ask Deon Holloway to have his foreman to remove the smoker.
Our Redland's farmhouse resides in a fire zone! Even if our home were not in a fire zone, we would not want a work crew to use or leave a smoker in our yard.
As homeowners, we find it disrespectful and alarming that the foreman and his crew garnish the smoker with broken bottles of beer. Most of the beers are Modelo; there are also half-drunken soda pop cups, plastic water bottles, lunch leftovers that include a half-eaten open container of potato salad.
One afternoon while my husband views the progression of our home, he spots the smoker. Laying next to the smoker are barbecue chips and lighter fluid!
With concern, my husband, David, ask the foreman to remove the smoker. The foreman's reply, "buying lunch out is expensive."
Weeks go by, the progression of our home appears minimum. Shockingly, the smoker, barbecue brick and lighter fluid, and barbecue continue to be a very unwanted guest on our property.
My October days of watching our Redland's home remodel progression is mostly via videos from my husband, David.
My lungs and my overall health have challenges, so I need to stay away from the demolition dust the Redlands home remodel produces.
As my husband and I pull up to the Redlands property one late October day, I am frustrated and upset.
Our house looks like a scene from the movie, The Money Pit. The smoker, barbecue brick, and lighter fluid are still under our trees.
When I enter the house, I almost step on a half-eaten piece of pizza that resides upside down in our entrance. Walking into the unfinished family room, I see empty boxes of pizza, beer bottles throughout the room, and half-drunken drinks. It is disgusting!
I am upset; we have spent thousands of dollars to remove rats, vermin, and the Eco Alliance work crew seem to have a welcome back sign.

As I turn the corner and enter our living room, I see our cobalt double vanity with a cream marble countertop looks destroyed. My husband and I are upset that the Eco Alliance work crew appears to have no respect for personal property.
The first photo is of our beautiful vanity when it first arrived at our farm out and was carried in by Deon Holloway's crew.
The second two photos are how the vanity looks now. Instead of protecting our vanities with a cover the Eco Alliance, Upland Company's crew is using our vanities like workstations. My husband as asked the Eco Alliance crew to please cover the vanities. Unfortunately the Eco Alliance work crew does not appear to have any respect for the well-being of our home.

I realize like a marriage, a home remodel is a long journey. However, I am beginning to question if we are a good match with Eco Alliance, Upland?
We need to be in a relationship with someone who is present.
As my husband and I always remind our children, actions mean more than words.
I hope the bumps with our General Contractor, Deon Holloway, are resolved quickly.
It is easy to write that my husband, David, is not happy with Eco Alliance. Like marriage, you do not always realize how much baggage someone may bring.
Yet, for better or worse, we are in a marriage to Eco Alliance, Upland. We hope for the better.